Expedition of the University of Alexandria to Gebel Adda 1959
“Fouilles en Nubie (1959 -1961)”. Cairo, 35 - 68.
Dr. Mustafa el Amir 1963
Preliminary Report of the Egypt Exploration Society’s Nubian Survey. Cairo.
Dr. Harry S. Smith 1962
Sudan & Nubia, Bulletin No. 13, 2009.
Gebel Adda 1963 and Meroitic stela G19, 100 - 102.
Reinhard Huber and Dr. David N. Edwards
Sudan & Nubia, Bulletin No.14, 2010.
Gebel Adda Cemetery One, 1963
Post-medieval reuse of X-Group tumuli, 83 - 90.
Reinhard Huber and Dr. David N. Edwards
Sudan & Nubia, Bulletin No.16, 2012,
Gebel Adda Cemeteries 3 and 4 (1963 - 1964) 80 - 87
Reinhard Huber and Dr. David N. Edwards
Sudan & Nubia, Bulletin No. 20, 2016,
Gebel Adda and its environs: 50 years on, 133 - 145
Reinhard Huber and Dr. David N. Edwards
Gebel Adda Preliminary Report for 1963
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
Dr. Nicholas B. Millet
Gebel Adda Preliminary Report for 1963 - 1964
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
Dr. Nicholas B. Millet
Memorias de la Misión Arqueológica Española en
egipto y Nubia, Madrid 1964
Dr. Presedo-Velo, Francisco
Gebel Adda Preliminary Report for 1965 - 1966, 53 - 63,
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Volume Vl 1967
Dr. Nicholas B. Millet
Postilla, Nr. 102, September 23, 1966
Two Prehistoric Sites in Nubia, 23 - 34
Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven
Dr. Charles A. Reed
The above publications concern only the field work of the late fifties and sixties.